Mouthwatering Watermelon Granita

Serves 6 | Prep Time 8 minutes | Cook Time 2 hours in the freezer

My freezer ended up with warning notes all over it after I made this granita. I put the liquid into a shallow pan in the freezer, only to completely forget it was in there. Minutes later I opened the slide-out freezer drawer and was hit with a tidal wave of red. It wasn’t quite like the elevator door opening in The Shining, but it was pretty bad. I figured, “Okay, fool me once, shame on you.” I swabbed out the whole freezer, put the food back in, made another batch, put that in the freezer, and left the kitchen. A few minutes later my husband, Gregg, wandered into the kitchen. Pause. “Beccaaa!!” Okay, fool me twice, shame on me. Once I cleaned off Gregg and the freezer (in that order), I made a third batch, and up went the warning notes. Success!


Put the watermelon in a food processor or blender and process on high speed until smooth.

Add the lime juice and honey to the food processor or blender and pulse to combine. Transfer to a freezer-safe 8 by 10-inch pan with sides at least 2 inches high and freeze for 1 hour.

Use a fork to rake the mixture, breaking up the frozen parts into smaller chunks and pushing them toward the center like a pile of leaves. Return the granita to the freezer and repeat the raking process twice more at 30-minute intervals until entirely frozen.

VARIATION: A fun variation on any granita is fruit drops, which I think of as a frozen version of Tootsie Pops, especially the part where you get to the sweet middle. Pour the liquid mixture into an ice cube tray, then stick a few blueberries into each of the compartments. They’ll end up suspended in the middle after the liquid freezes. Put a toothpick or popsicle stick into each while they freeze, and you can enjoy the fruit drops straight up, or skip the sticks and use them in beverages. Either way, these fruit drops are a treat for the eyes, and great for people with mouth sores or anyone who wants to stay hydrated.

STORAGE: Store in an airtight container in the freezer for 3 weeks.

PER SERVING: Calories: 20; Total Fat: 0 g; Carbohydrates: 7 g; Protein: 0 g; Fiber: 0 g; Sodium: 0 mg

Reprinted with permission from The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery. Copyright © 2009 by Rebecca Katz with Mat Edelson, Ten Speed Press, a division of the Crown Publishing Group, Berkeley, CA.

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2 cups chopped watermelon

2 1⁄2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice

2 teaspoons honey 


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