Salmon Scramble

Serves 2-4


Prep all your ingredients before preheating the pan. If using dill, either add ¼ teaspoon dried dill with the eggs in Step 2 or garnish with fresh dill at Step 5.

Set out 2 to 4 plates and put 2 slices of tomato in the center of each plate. Sprinkle each with a small pinch of salt and black pepper.

In a bowl, whisk until frothy.

Heat a pan over medium heat, then add the oil andswirl to coat the pan.

When the oil shimmers, add the eggs and decrease the heat to low. Using a spatula, fold the eggs, pulling them off the side of the pan towards the center.

When halfway set, stir in the goat cheese. When nearly set but still wet, turn off the heat and fold in the salmon. For vegetarian option, ADD 1 to 2 cups baby spinach with the goat cheese. SWAP or ADD chives.

Evenly divide the eggs and salmon on top of the tomato slices. Garnish and serve immediately.


2 ripe tomatoes, sliced

4 large eggs

2 tablespoons water

¼ teaspoon sea salt

⅞ teaspoon black pepper

1 tablespoon olive oil or ghee

¼ cup goat cheese

2 ounces smoked salmon, bite-sized pieces

Choose one or more Garnishes:
2 scallions, green tops thinly sliced fresh dill or chives, chopped


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